Chart showing dramatic increase in breast cancer after legalization of induced abortion

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Following is a chart showing the incidence of breast cancer cases. A relatively obscure disease, the curve was going up slowly until the legalization of abortion in 1973. Abruptly, the curve climbs sharply, a climb which is still happening today. Ironically this chart was produced by the anti-aspartame group, trying to illustrate how aspartame might cause breast cancer (the idea that the birth control pill and abortion can cause breast cancer is off the radar screens of even most medical providers!)


Abortion can make a woman very susceptible to breast cancer because in early pregnancy, our breasts begin to grow. The cells our bodies are creating are called 'undifferentiated' because the body first grows the cells, and then, turns them into specific breast cells just in time for us to breast feed at the nine month point.

An abortion abruptly interrupts this process, causing the growth of cells to not differentiate. And of course, an undifferentiated growth of cells can easily turn into a cancer.

According to the research of Joel Brind, a woman having an abortion can increase her risk of breast cancer by as much as 200 percent. Dr Janet Daling found the increased risk can be as high as 195%